I swear the things you say sometimes don't even make sense.
Your undoubtedly the easiest person i've ever had to troll on this website, purely because you make it so easy for me to make you look retarded.
Ugh im just trying so hard not to spout all sorts of things.
You seriously have to go back and edit your review replys to make yourself look better publicly?
Just stop.
You could talk about how big of an illiterate fucking faggot you are.
You honestly think your vague attempts at making me feel bad about my flash are going to work when you cant even draw a decent stick figure?
Who said I was trying to make you feel bad? I was just absent midenly swearing XD
Anyway, I have a broken arm and a lust to animate, so also if you don't believe about my arm, tough luck matey. It's true.