I fuckin' like, love it when, fuckin', y'know

Kieran @CubePanda

Age 28, Male

Creative Dickhead

University of South Wales


Joined on 6/3/08

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CubePanda's News

Posted by CubePanda - July 16th, 2009

I got all the medals on deliver that Fulp!!

Posted by CubePanda - July 1st, 2009

Alright, now that I have your attention, read this here post.
<(-.-)> We're pretty dissapointed Newgrounds...

Posted by CubePanda - June 15th, 2009

i'm working on a small cartoon, I was nearly done, when I saved it, it froze, and then lost loads of work. :/
Should I finish it?

Posted by CubePanda - June 13th, 2009

Posted by CubePanda - May 24th, 2009

((Well, here I am. And I;m writing a story. Here is the intro.))
A day, like any other, and a man was investigating the human evolution, where he noticied a flaw.
"What, what is this?"
He carried on studeing, until he relised it.
"Humans are the embryo form... what could be the real dominant spieces?" He studied even more, running many tests on himself, leaving himself with warts, and scars, but in the end, it was worth it. He had perfected his antidote. He drank it. It tasted sour, so he drank water, and eventually was biting his lip. Which didn't really make sense, since his mouth was open, he looked in the mirror to find he teeth had re-formed, long a pointy, his hair, was now green and shiny, his skin was pale and white, his beard was gone, and there was no colour in his eyes.
"Wh-what is this?" He said. Then he relized, he had become the dominant speices. He must spred it. Maybe something would change, And some people he killed, became something like angles, some like zombies, soon enough they were all fighting, all over the world, only a few humans remained, and these few humans, were to fight for their lives.

Posted by CubePanda - April 27th, 2009

That was just a little joke, anyhoo, unfortunatley, I didn't get ANY sprites at all, (apart from the ones listed.) So I though,
"Hey, I'm still doing that other thing! So why don't I finish it?!"
So I decidied to work on Episode three of Final Fnatasy Mystic Quest! (Now with extra humour)Heres the basic flash so far, I'll keep you updated along with it, with new links, and remember, it's not done.

Click me, and you will see what I've done so far. (There were alot of problems, like the sprites fucked and I had to remake the buttons, and don't even get me STARTED about the pre-loader.

Screw you guys XD

Posted by CubePanda - April 12th, 2009

As I cannot really be bothered to carry on my Mystic Quest series, I decidied, hell, I'm gonna go play FF7. The next day we went to my Nans, where my bro, (Not Corrupption, my other one,) brought along Heroes, season one. You see where this is going don't you? Well anyway, I'm gonna be starting my new series, : Savers
If anyone knows where to find me some FF6 style FF7 sprites, OI would be glad, I've got Cloud, so Anyone else will be great. Thanks.
Cloud, Check
Barret, Not check,
Tifa, Not check
Aries/th, Not check,
Reno, Not check
Shinra soilders, Not check,
Bosses, Not check,
All enimies, Not check
Aries/th's mother, Not check,
bystanders, check
Scoth, Kottch, Not check
Don Coneo, Not check
Girl Cloud, and Aries, and tifa, Not check
Shinra staff, e.g. Heidgerr, Hojo, Reene, Scarlet e.g., Not check
Rufus, not check
President Shinra, not check
Nanaki, Not check
Sephiroth, Not check
World map, Check,
Towns, Not check
Chocobo, Not check
Summons, Not check
Materia, Check
effects, check
Cait sith, Not check
Golden Saucer, Not check
Coral village, Not check
Damien, Check
Mountains, ckeck
C/Sid, Not check
C/Sid's moving things,
Rude, Not check
Tseng, Not check,
Elane, Not cheack
I think thats it... Tell me if I missed anything out, (You'll get crdit if you suply me with sprites XD)
(I get it's a cheesy name, but I can't call it Heroes, or Final Fantasy, I was thinking of Final Heros but that sounds like a bunch a ball.)

Peace out,

Posted by CubePanda - April 8th, 2009

My friend Daneil says that toe nails make monkeys cry. And now for the smelly cat lyrics
Smelly cat,
I forget the rest.
So, DON'T SWARE IN FRONT OF TYLER! HE IS ONLY 3 YEARS OLD! And thus, I am not racist. Goodnight Bikini Bottom.

...You silly goose...

Posted by CubePanda - March 4th, 2009

This just in, a world wide MSN virus is up. Someone will suddenly say these exact words, exactly (unless it's [like this]) "ahha is this you?? http://www.hi5-images.org/images.php?=
[your MSN address here]" if you get tht message on MSN, DONT PRESS IT. They will say exatly that thou
GASP! ANOTHER MESSAGE--SAME LINK! "foto?? http://www.hi5-images.org/images.php?=
[your MSN here]"

Posted by CubePanda - January 29th, 2009

Well, as my collab is more important than my other work, i'll start with that.
Daigon99 had to drop out as his brother dropped the computer and *sniffle* broke it... that just leaves the ppl on the list below:
Audio dude 1:Ch3ck3rB0ard

Onto new topics, I'll probably put my flash series on hold to try so FBF animating (Frame by frame) I know not many people will care but still, I've got to get better.

bad news folks! My comp crashed and we had to go back all the way to windows 2000! Im just lucky I still have intuhnet, but no flashes will be released till my grampa fixes it... this means the collab will be put on delay. (i will still be accepting new recruits.)
SOMEONES TRYING TO KILL ME!!! Lol, just joking. Anywho, I got Windows Vista back and work will carry on as scedgueled, be thankful folks, I could've been gone forever.

stuff on flash