I fuckin' like, love it when, fuckin', y'know

Kieran @CubePanda

Age 28, Male

Creative Dickhead

University of South Wales


Joined on 6/3/08

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CubePanda's News

Posted by CubePanda - January 30th, 2010

Me and GiantSockMonster are making a Flash... well he is mainly. We're both doing voices, and it's a little short with shorts. Make sure you press the POW button on the menu XD

Posted by CubePanda - January 10th, 2010

Well, I'm kind of busy with suff, like the next episode of Forgotten Legend and the next episode of Mystic Quest. I'm also working on some other stuff, but nothing to do with the OOP. THat includes of the sequal to When the sky turns green, and the induviadual random pieces from the first, which could be completely different, but the same time. And a random selection of Flashes made by yours truly about a stick man (Zakuna) who likes beating people up, it's gonna include the same sort of fighting as When the sky turns green, but there's only gonna be coler in the fight scenes, which is only gonta be red. There is also gonna be a lot more smoother text, and one more FLash about a man named Greg, and a man named Micheal. Anyway, have fun reading all that shit.
[EDIT] 11th January 2010
Greg and Micheal is now out, but this link takes you to spam the web :P
[EDIT] 11th January 2010
I also have an OOP Flash to do, it's about Majoras mask, where Links turns about to be a little pussy, which is funny becuase he's voiced by a girl :P
[EDIT] 14th January 2010
Now I'm doing another project, luckily most of the projects don't actually have a release date, except for an OOP one, which is for the 15th of February. Anyway, let me tell you about this one. Well it's an Earthbound Flash, I'm not the writer, PsiPaula4 is the writer, I'm animating the first series of The Insane Earthbound Adventures, which gives me some time to watch the videos again, she hasn't got a Newgrounds account, but I'm gonna try and convince her to make one, so I can submit them on here and actually credit her for writing it. Anyway, I think I'm gonna do my Zelda flash for the 15th before I do anything else... anyway, bye!

Bosy and Bured.

Posted by CubePanda - January 1st, 2010

Ugh, I'm not big on the new year, It's not really a thing for me... or my family. It's just another day for me. I mean, it's not like everything is going to be good all of a sudden? Oh well... if people want to celebrate and party that's up to them. Who am I to interfear? Well, happy new year, or whatever. I don't really care for it.

Posted by CubePanda - December 23rd, 2009

Is tomorrow! I love Christmas, but really Chanaka is better. (The jewish christmas, yes it begins with C.) With Chanaka you get 8 days of presents :D Which is cool :P

Posted by CubePanda - December 14th, 2009

I'm not sure if I should ever submit this but I really like it. It's basically just a Zelda timeline made in flash, not including any 3-D sprites (Except for Phantom Hourglass, thanks to Greatwh1teshark.) SHould I submit by next year or what?

Posted by CubePanda - November 29th, 2009

Posted by CubePanda - November 28th, 2009

OOP is the name of a new Flash group I joined, GiantSockMonster is one of their members, and we'll be making Flashes, make sure to vote 5 :D

Posted by CubePanda - November 22nd, 2009

By that I mean Christmas! I <3 Christmas. I love Christmas. I can never sleep on Christmas eve either :P I've already got a DSi and Wii, so all I need is games. I'm getting Earthbound 1+2 and the New New Super Mario Broz (Z!) I might be getting Electroplancton... I love that game :3 I'm also getting the brand new Zelda game for DS! What are you guys getting?

Posted by CubePanda - October 30th, 2009

It's my new Flash clan... Any one can join!
Me: Cubepanda
Joiner guy numero un: Everybodysfavroutie
I might have spelt your name wrong :/

Posted by CubePanda - October 16th, 2009

Is there a place in the world called Nookee? I wanna live there =3